0.0 看板 - 閱讀文章 您現在的位置是 movie - 。 ^ 返回文章列表 | | 下一篇 > 作者: AquaX ((((())))) 看板: movie標題: [討論] "羅禮士的真相" Chuck Norris Facts時間: Sat Feb 5 17:10:46 2011首先先澄清,這不是電影片名啦~會發這篇文是因為不久前本版有人問起查克羅禮士(Chuck Norris)這位老牌動作演員(圖:http://ppt.cc/bxF7)也提到Chuck Norris Facts這個網路惡搞現象(#1DEzG4Xu)這跟惡搞「華神現象」或「鈴木一朗現象」很類似就是杜撰一些有趣的事蹟來諷刺或取笑羅禮士的形象其實羅禮士是真正的空手道高手,多次贏得全美空手道冠軍也曾接受過李小龍的訓練他也學李小龍,自創了一派綜合格鬥體系叫Chun Kuk Do翻譯為"春谷道"或"萬能法"而他自從在1972年的電影《猛龍過江》中跟李小龍在古羅馬競技場搏擊之後就變成美國動作片硬漢的代表人物(比阿諾跟史特龍都早多了)他的戲路也是從一而終:武功高強、男子氣概、善用各種刀槍、女人為他瘋狂…要嘛在大都市裡橫掃流氓,要嘛在越南叢林裡打擊盜匪而且,今年已經71歲的他,一直到2005年都還有動作片演出從那時起網路上就出現爆多「羅禮士真相」(Chuck Norris Facts)來向這位在電影界和武術界都名聲遠播的陽剛硬漢「另類致敬」而羅禮士本人也並不感覺受到冒犯還將這類文章放到了他的網站上甚至曾在一個脫口秀節目中選出十個他自己最喜歡的「真相」以下節錄一些我覺得很賤的Chuck Norris Facts:There was no atomic bomb explosion in Hiroshima, it was Chuck Norrisjumping out of the plane and punching the ground.廣島從來沒被什麼原子彈炸過。是羅禮士跳下飛機,然後一拳轟在地上。Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signsof life.羅禮士曾經登陸過火星,這就是為什麼那裡沒有生命跡象。Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, Death just hasn't built up the courageto tell him yet.其實羅禮士20年前就已經死了,只是死神還沒有足夠的勇氣去告訴他。Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.羅禮士就是為什麼威力還躲著的原因。(「威力在哪裡」的梗詳見此:http://ppt.cc/lfMy)Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience.死神曾經有過一次「瀕-羅禮士經驗」。Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.羅禮士能夠關上一扇旋轉門。Chuck Norris was denied auditioning for "Mission Impossible", forobvious reasons.電影「不可能的任務」劇組拒絕羅禮士去試演,原因很明顯。Chuck Norris was in all 6 Star Wars movies...... As The Force.羅禮士在六部「星際大戰」電影中都有參與演出……他飾演「原力」。Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearlyfoolish enough to attack him.羅禮士不可能得到心臟病,他的心臟還沒笨到去攻擊他。(heart attack雙關語)When Chuck Norris was asked if he believed that the world was goingto end in 2012, he resonded: "Depends how I'm feeling that day."當有人問羅禮士相不相信2012年會世界末日,他回答「要看我那天心情好不好」。Chuck Norris can light a fire by rubbing two ice-cubes together.羅禮士可以摩擦兩塊冰塊來生火。Chuck Norris met an exclamation point and punched it in the face.We now have questions.羅禮士有天遇到驚嘆號,並在它臉上揍了一拳。所以我們現在有了問號。We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get awayfrom Chuck Norris.我們活在一個擴展中的宇宙。所有事物都在全力遠離羅禮士。Chuck Norris once urinated in a semi truck's gas tank as a joke...that truck is now known as Optimus Prime.有一次羅禮士惡作劇尿尿在一輛貨櫃車的油箱裡…那部車後來變成我們熟知的柯博文。Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he getsthe information he wants.羅禮士從不讀書。他只是狠狠瞪著書本,直到書本給了他想要的資訊。Chuck Norris does not need Twitter...he is already following you.羅禮士不使用推特…他已經在跟著你了。If Chuck Norris ever got caught for speeding, he'd let the cops offwith a warning.如果羅禮士被逮到超速,他會開給鴿子一張警告然後讓他離開。When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he'spushing the Earth down.當羅禮士做伏地挺身的時候,他不是把自己撐起來,他是把地球壓下去。Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a gameof tennis.羅禮士是地球上唯一在網球比賽中贏過一堵磚牆的男人。Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks andunparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction wasfinalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took hissoul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad andadmitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every secondWednesday of the month.羅禮士曾出賣過自己的靈魂給惡魔,以換取他的帥氣臉蛋以及和外表不相稱的高超格鬥技術。當交易完成後不久,羅禮士給了惡魔一記迴旋踢並把自己的靈魂拿了回來。惡魔出於一種奇妙的可笑心情而無法生氣,反而覺得自己早應該想到這點。他們現在每個月的第二個星期三都一起打撲克牌。Chuck Norris doesn't breathe, he holds air hostage.羅禮士不需要呼吸,他只是把氧氣當作人質。Chuck Norris invented water.查克羅禮士發明了水。The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out.It failed miserably.中國的長城原本是建來阻擋羅禮士的,而它很悲慘地失敗了。If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norrishas more money than you.如果你有五塊錢,而羅禮士也有五塊錢,他有的錢比你多。Chuck Norris sent Jesus a birthday card on December 25th and it wasn'tJesus' birthday. Jesus was too scared to correct Chuck Norris and tothis day December 25th is known as Jesus' birthday.羅禮士有次在12月25日寄了張生日卡給耶穌,而那不是耶穌的生日。耶穌太害怕了而不敢糾正羅禮士,所以今天12月25日被大家認為是聖誕節。Chuck Norris sleeps with a night light. Not because Chuck Norris isafraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Chuck Norris羅禮士睡覺時會開著小夜燈。不是因為羅禮士害怕黑暗,而是黑暗害怕羅禮士。Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.羅禮士去漢堡王點了一個大麥克,而且他拿到了。A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicappedpeople. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to ChuckNorris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.殘障車位不是專門為了殘疾人士而設的。事實上它是在標明這是羅禮士的車位,而如果你停在這裡,你會被他打成半殘。Chuck Norris was the fourth Wiseman. He brought baby Jesus the gift of"beard". Jesus wore it proudly to his dying day. The other Wiseman, jealousof Jesus' obvious gift favoritism, used their combined influence to haveChuck omitted from the Bible. Shortly after all three died of roundhousekick related deaths.羅禮士其實是第四位賢者。他帶給耶穌寶寶的禮物是「大鬍子」,而耶穌終其一生都很驕傲地戴著它。其他三位賢者因為嫉妒羅禮士的禮物得到耶穌最多的寵愛,而發揮影響力刪去聖經中對羅禮士的記載。不久之後,他們三位都死於羅禮士的迴旋踢之下。其實網路上還有很多亂好笑的,在http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com 網上每天都還有新的創作,只要在該網站註冊,大家也可以寫下自己的Chuck Norris Facts唷!--※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:推 diru:飾演「原力」XD 浴血任務少了他真是太可惜了 02/05 17:20推 KasmirLo:超好笑的XDDD 02/05 17:21推 luluhihi:超好笑的XDDD 02/05 17:23推 kao8855:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd原力 02/05 17:25推 kingkevin34:XD 02/05 17:29推 hirorei:每個都超好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 17:29推 wcc960:有笑有推XDD 02/05 17:35推 willkill:超好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 17:42推 BrainDeath:http://www.nochucknorris.com/ 02/05 17:49推 damnedfish:這些梗很多地方都有(套用不同人名),不知道他是否首創 02/05 17:49→ AquaX:回樓上 應該是一種模式 只是Norris的風格真的很強烈 XD 02/05 17:53→ AquaX:另推BrainDeath的 "nochucknorris" 哈哈哈哈~ 02/05 17:54推 nfsong:推!! 02/05 18:00推 han72:日本有一朗 美國有羅禮士XD 02/05 18:19推 forelance:tl 196x04 02/05 18:27推 ray33:好暴笑啊XD 02/05 18:45推 novel5566:還有一個我也覺得很好笑 02/05 18:55→ novel5566:Chuck Norris doesn't sleep. He waits. 02/05 18:55推 ChuckNorris:很有趣嗎?? 無聊 02/05 18:57推 reader2714:..苦主出現啦....XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 18:59→ AquaX:本尊!太崇拜你啦~ XDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 19:15推 meauw:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 19:32→ vsch97240:這個超好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 19:36推 star123:lol 02/05 20:01推 FunGuLO:殘障車位超好笑的 哈哈哈哈哈哈 02/05 20:28推 JamesCaesar:太強了 02/05 20:32推 meatballlu:XDDDD會被打成半殘 哈哈哈 02/05 20:48推 hn14714271:太好笑XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 20:49推 Serphi:那連結也太幽默了 02/05 21:25→ poca777:入侵美國應該是他最後的代表作了 02/05 21:33推 nfsong:連結好好笑 02/05 21:51推 scream3:推 02/05 22:29→ DareJ:XD 02/05 22:49推 alains:我覺得範馬勇次郎輸了 XD 02/05 22:54推 irres:笑死我了XDDDDD 02/05 23:11推 NakedSnake:XDDDDDDDDDD 02/05 23:47※ AquaX:轉錄至看板 joke 02/06 00:54推 whitelady:美國的3310 02/06 02:58推 sunnyrunkimo:太好笑了啊!!! 02/06 10:22推 panzerleader:XDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/06 10:30推 misthide:他長得好像越南大戰的主角XD 02/06 11:13推 kane1031:無敵的羅里士 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/06 22:26推 elwyn:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 02/07 03:59推 drfdj:打網球贏一面磚牆超好笑!! 02/08 15:55推 realmiddle:禮神! 02/09 14:36推 suckpopo:XD~ 北爛~ 笑到度子痛 02/09 17:32推 shaunten:回來朝聖 結果一樓的話成真了!!!y 11/23 15:06 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 分享在我的 Facebook 分享在我的 Plurk 分享在我的即時通
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